Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Lost: Motivation - Reward if Found and Returned

My motivation has been lost and I am desperate to get it back. After all, there couldn’t be a worse time to have it bail on me than at the beginning of a 2500 mile move from St. Croix to Michigan.

My motivation was last sighted about a month ago, just prior to my most recent battle with a raging infection and a fever that just won’t let go. It appeared happy and healthy at that time -- at least it didn’t give me any indication that it was about to vanish into thin air. I’m absolutely baffled as to where it went and why it decided to leave me now.

It’s my hope that when it sees how much it’s needed -- my to do list, as you can imagine, is a mile and half long and growing -- it will show up one morning, a little worse for the wear after being gone for so long, but happy and healthy and glad to be back.

If you’ve seen any loose motivation running about, please nab it and send it back to me. Of course, I’d be happy to accept a loaner until my own shows up. A generous reward is offered -- if I can get around to pulling it together.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Hi Dear Penny,

I had already typed a comment and then I lost it. Let me try this again.

You have a wonderful sense of humor!! I love it. It's great to see you blogging again and I hope this is the beginning of the "return" of your motivation.

If not, can whoever has it, please return it!!

I'm sure you're very busy these days, but do try to blog more. It's been so therapeutic for me, it might do the same for you.

I miss you around ASAP too. Let's work together to find your motivation. I'm here for you, whenever you need.

Take care,
Love you.
Janice from ASAP